Tuesday, October 30, 2012

1900's Ragtime

The Ragtime dance craze began at the end of the 19th century and was the main style of dance in the first two decades of the 20th century. The music of this era developed from African slaves y combining their traditional chants with the traditional European music. It was then Americanized by American composers making the unique sound of ragtime. The new styles of dance originated in the southern and midwestern regions among the lower classes. Everyone was talking about this new style of dance, however, the upper class was mostly just talking about it because it had stemmed from the lower classes. It was Irene and Vernon Castle who spread ragtime not only across all levels of society but also across countries. This couple showed of their dance moves to this new music in a Parisian dinner club. This brought them fame throughout Paris and the rest of Europe. When they returned back to the states Ragtime was spread through all the classes. If this young, classy couple could dance to ragtime with elegance than so could everyone else. This couple helped to turn ragtime dancing into a dance mania! For the first time Europe imported the latest dance music and steps from America.

The moves of ragtime started out simple and grew to many different types and styles. In the beginning the traditional two-step was danced to this new music. As ragtime became more popular new styles of dance started to evolve like the one-step and "animal dances''. The animal dances consisted of the grizzly bear, the turkey trot, and the bunny hug. Also African American cake walk's became very popular among society. Irene and Vernon Castle danced a unique dance that became know as the Castle Walk. Many other styles evolved during this era including the Argentine Tango, the Hesitation Walk, the Maxixe, the Half-and half, and the Fox-Trot. The Argentine Tango became popular because it allowed a sensual flirtatiousness that was previously forbidden in public dancing. The Hesitation Walk was very graceful and look almost balletic. The Maxixe was a swaying two-step also known as the Brazilian Tango. The Half-and Half was a hesitation waltz in 5/4 time and some would make it more obscure by dancing to it in 7/4 time. The Fox-Trot style came about shortly before the Great War started. It was a dance that was slow with quick steps that was put together in a wide variety of patterns.     The ragtime dance craze ended when World War I began. Although short lived the ragtime music and dance styles redefined social dancing and relationships in this new 20th century.

The Grizzly Bear- It got its name from from the hold. The dancers would be leaning on one another and take one big, heavy step one direction and would move the upper bodies from one side to the other. During the dance people would shout, "It's a bear!"

                                                           The Castle Walk

1 comment:

  1. This era of dance was new and exciting! It allowed to people to express themselves in more fun ways. Instead of dancing with one hand on shoulder of lower back (depending on guy or girl) and hands help with back straight, chest out, and supported arms they were able to let loose. This is one of the reason why animal dances became so popular it allowed them to be silly. The Castles starting this danced craze is like how dance crazes get started today. People watch a music video of some dance style, usually involving very simple moves that usually would be considered weird, with someone famous doing them to a song, and BAM a new dance craze. For example, the wobble, stanky leg, cat daddy, and gangnam style. In reality these dances are not that cool but people see celebrities doing them and then everyone loves them. Just like with the 1900's I'm the people of this era look back and think did i really move around on the dance floor pretending to be a grizzly bear. This shows that even though style and music may be completely different society still works in a similar fasion.
